1 | Efficacy of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) for Addressing Spasticity-Related Trismus in Bulbar ALS: A Pilot Study |
2 | Designing a Remote, Longitudinal Research Program to Investigate Social Disconnection in ALS |
3 | Predictors of pneumonia in motor neuron disease: A Retrospective Analysis |
4 | Dysphagia-Related Caregiver Burden across the Neurodegenerative Disease Trajectory |
5 | Transforming Oral Health Management in ALS: Identifying Issues and Equipping Caregivers |
6 | Tailoring the Use of a Chronically-Implanted Intracortical Speech Neuroprosthesis for a Person With Long-Standing Anarthria due to ALS |
7 | Decoding hierarchical elements of language from speech motor cortex to restore communication for people with ALS |
8 | ALS and Thick Secretions: A Management Survey |
9 | Mitigation of Refeeding Syndrome in People with ALS: Insight from U.S. Registered Dietitians |
10 | Impact of Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) on Quality of Life in Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) |
11 | Percutaneous Transesophageal Gastrostomy Tube (PTEG) in ALS: A non-surgical option when gastrostomy/jejunostomy cannot be performed |
12 | Speech Motor Control Impairments in ALS: A Focus on Lateral Tongue Movement |
13 | Machine Learning Model Predicts Listener Effort in ALS-related Dysarthria |
14 | Canonical Timing Alignment of Read Speech in ALS is Correlated with Perceived Speech Impairment and Listener Effort |
15 | An Assessment of Patient Recall and Comprehension of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Genetic Testing Results |
16 | Comprehensive clinical and genetic architecture of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in China: a 15-year cohort study with 302 families |
17 | Genetic Counseling and Testing Educational Resources: A Call to Action from the Genetic Summit Hosted by the International Alliance of ALS/MND Associations |
18 | Patient Decision Factors in ALS Clinical Genetic Testing |
19 | The VUS Second Opinion Service (VUS S.O.S.): support for clinicians encountering variants of uncertain significance in ALS genetic testing |
20 | The Genetic Landscape of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A systematic review and functional bioinformatics analysis |
21 | Whole exome sequencing analysis in Mexican patients with a clinical diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. |
23 | Epigenetic age acceleration is associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis risk, survival, occupational exposures, and sex |
24 | Combining online approaches to genetic education, counseling, testing, and peer support in the United States for those at risk of genetic ALS |
25 | Using the triadic experiences of people with ALS, care partners, and multidisciplinary staff to improve ALS outpatient care delivery |
27 | ALS Celebration of Life and Care: A simple and impactful ritual for the interdisciplinary team |
29 | Initial Results From an Integrated Mental Health Collaborative Care Model in a National Virtual ALS Clinic. |
30 | Preliminary Results from the ‘Caring for the Homebound Patient with ALS’ Pilot Study |
31 | Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Improving Care with Artificial Intelligence and Affective Computing |
32 | The Rapid Access ALS Clinic Model: Can We Move the Needle and Improve ALS Diagnostic Delay? |
33 | The ALS Home Health Medical Standard Expert Consensus Guideline |
34 | The Seattle Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Patient Project Database: Observational, Longitudinal, Dyadic Characterization of PALS and their Partners |
35 | Characterizing Health System Costs for Multidisciplinary Care in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) |
36 | Smartphone Application-Mediated Supervised At-Home Telespirometry Erect and Supine Slow Vital Capacity (eSVC/sSVC) Measurements in Subjects With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Identify Statistically Significant Differences in eSVC/sSVC Decline as Function of Non-Invasive Ventilation Treatment Status [NCT05106569] |
37 | Smartphone Application-Mediated, Supervised, At-Home Telespirometry Vital Capacity Measurements in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Comparison of American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society Point-of-Care Quality Assessment Algorithms Implemented for Slow Vital Capacity and Forced Vital Capacity [NCT05106569] |
39 | Survival Time on Tracheostomy-Invasive Ventilation (TIV) Unchanged in Two Community-Based Longitudinal Observational Studies with Increased Survival Time When NIV Prescribed Before TIV |
40 | Self-assessment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis functional rating scale on the patient´s smartphone proves to be non-inferior to clinic data capture |
41 | Outcome Measures Utilized by Physical Therapists Working with Patients with ALS: A Cross-Sectional National Survey |
42 | A Paradigm Shift in Physical Therapy for those receiving Tofersen Treatment: Case Report |
43 | Evaluating Cervical Collar Satisfaction and Functional Impact in People Living with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Survey Study |
44 | Patient Experience with ALS-Associated Fatigue |
45 | Neuromuscular Rehabilitation of SOD1 ALS Patients Receiving Long-Term Tofersen |
46 | Eye Tracking and ALS: What is the recipe for success? |
47 | The impact of robot-assisted therapy using Hybrid Assistive Limb in ALS patients |
48 | Assessment of Training Game Which Enables Hands-Free EMG Wheelchair Control |
49 | The Use of Durable Medical Equipment in COURAGE-ALS, a Phase 3, Multicenter, Randomized Clinical Trial for ALS |
50 | Landmark Time-to-Event Analysis for Staging in ALS |
51 | Harmonizing Disease Severity Measures in ALS and FTD Research |
52 | Comparison of ROADS and ALSFRS-R to Assess Sensitivity of ALS Progression |
53 | Application of the Kings Staging System to the Natural History Database population |
54 | Post-onset ALSFRS-R slope (POS) as a predictor of disease progression in patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) |
55 | Comparison of the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale- Revised with the Ten Meter Walk Test |
56 | Analysis of ALSFRS-R Subdomain Scores in an ALS Cohort |
57 | The Japanese version of the Columbia Muscle Cramp Scale in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis |
58 | The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis-Health Index (ALS-HI): Development and Evaluation of a Novel Outcome Measure |
59 | Development of a tool for community deployment that detects ALS and other Neurodegenerative Diseases |
60 | A Novel, Self-Administered, App-Based Assessment of Motor Movement in ALS |
61 | An Investigation of Preoperative Risk Factors in Patients with Motor Neuron Disease |
62 | A Novel Exploration of Sexual Behavior and Intimacy in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis |
64 | The Feasibility of Conducting Cognitive Screening in the Multidisciplinary ALS Clinic: A retrospective chart review. |
65 | Interaction between riluzole treatment and dietary glycemic index in the disease progression of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis |
66 | Rapid progression of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis after initiation of a GLP-1 agonist: A Case Report |
68 | Approaching Serious Illness Conversations in ALS using Telehealth: Learnings from Three Clinical Cases. |
69 | Radiological characterization of tofersen-associated myelitis: a case report |
70 | ASO associated myelitis successfully treated with intrathecal hydrocortisone |
71 | Riboflavin Responsive Slowly Progressive Early Onset Motor Neuron Disease Caused by a Novel Mutation in AIFM1 |
72 | “Fused in sarcoma” (FUS) ALS natural history and disease characterization |
73 | Retrospective Observational Study of ALS-Associated Genes and Their Variants |
74 | CAPTURE ALS: Comprehensive Analysis Platform To Understand, Remedy, and Eliminate ALS |
75 | Legal and Regulatory Framework for Data Sharing |
76 | Medically Assisted Death in a center of reference in Colombia: A cohort of ALS patients |
77 | Optimizing Data Harmonization in ALS/MND Research |
78 | Exploring Social Determinants of Health in people with ALS |
79 | A 15-Year Study of Clinical Factors That Prolong Diagnostic Timeline in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis |
80 | Head injury and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: population-based study from the National ALS Registry |
81 | Differences in perceptions of ALS symptoms from people with ALS, their caregivers, and neurologists: results from a real-world survey |
82 | Healthcare Disparities in the Diagnosis of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in the Washington, DC Region |
83 | Evidence Requirements for Establishing Diagnosis of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in Historical Medical and Non-Medical Sources: “Endemic Paraplegia of Koza in Kii” Published in 1689 Honcho Koji Innen Shu Reported by Yoshino Yase |
84 | Area deprivation is associated with survival, severity of impairment, and time from onset in ALS. |
85 | Spatial Association of Environmental Factors and ALS in Ohio: The Role of Nickel and Nickel Compounds |
86 | Longitudinal neurofilament light in a clinical ALS series using commercial testing. |
88 | A Wearable Neural Biosensor for Monitoring Progressive Changes in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis |
89 | Electrical Impedance Myography Via the Myolex mScan as an ALS Disease Progression Biomarker |
90 | Towards personalized prediction of ALS disease progression trajectories using digital speech biomarkers |
91 | Tracking digital biomarkers of speech in individuals living with ALS |
92 | Digital biomarkers of fine motor control in ALS |
93 | Beyond the Eye: AI-Enhanced Visual Biomarker Discovery & Tracking for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis |
94 | Compliance of Home-based Remote Digital Monitoring to Assess ALS progression (Track-ALS) |
95 | Applicability of Electrical Engineering Methods to Defining and Illustrating Disease Progression in ALS |
97 | Exploring the Functionality of TDP-43 in serum of people living with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis |
98 | Icariin prevents methylmercury-induced experimental neurotoxicity: Evidence from cerebrospinal fluid, blood plasma, brain samples, and in-silico investigations |
99 | Blood glycated hemoglobin level is not associated with disease progression in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis |
100 | The myokine FGF21 is a novel ALS biomarker that associates with slower disease progression and mitigates stress-induced cytotoxicity |
101 | Cryptic Sulfur Metabolite, with Previously Undiscovered Role in Humans, May Modulate Neurodegenerative Diseases |
102 | Phosphorylated tau is elevated in ALS plasma and correlates with disease severity |
103 | GPNMB: A target engagement biomarker for PIKfyve inhibition and its therapeutic effect on ALS. |
104 | A Blood Test for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) |
105 | Comprehensive Profiling and Collaborative Integration to Unveil ALS Mechanisms |
106 | KCC2 as a novel biomarker and therapeutic target for motoneuron degenerative disease |
107 | Novel oral small molecule for sporadic ALS treats both gain- and loss-of-function TDP-43 pathology, restores cryptic mis-splicing in vitro and extends survival and decreases NfL in vivo |
108 | Micro-doses of DNP preserve motor and muscle function with a period of functional recovery in hSOD1G93A Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis mice |
109 | Intravenous Delivery of AAV Gene Therapy for the Treatment of SOD1-ALS Provides Broad SOD1 Lowering in NHP |
110 | Investigating the role of cryptic G3BP1 in ALS neuropathogenesis |
111 | Single cell profiling reveals non-classical monocytes exhibit impaired interferon responses in symptomatic ALS |
112 | P2X7 receptor antagonists provide neuroprotection in a hiPSC-motor neuron model of ALS—A novel pathway to motor neuron toxicity and therapeutic targeting. |
113 | Investigation of Maturation and Network Dynamics of Healthy and Diseased Corticospinal Motor Neurons with TDP-43 Pathology, Using High-Density Microelectrode Array System |
114 | Large-scale Genomic Analyses Identify Acamprosate as Neuroprotective in C9orf72-related ALS/FTD |
115 | Developing A Semi-HighThroughput Platform to Advance Drug Discovery Efforts for Upper Motor Neuron Diseases |
116 | Identifying targetable motor neuron disease pathways associated with metal toxicities and imbalances in ALS patients |
117 | Neuroprotective Effects of RNS60 in TDP-43 Associated Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis |
118 | Electrical impedance myography in the ALS zebrafish for high throughput cost-effective preclinical drug efficacy screening |
120 | Identifying enzymes involved in glycolysis as candidate therapeutic targets in TDP-43 proteinopathy models of ALS |
121 | Development of EKZ-102, a potent and selective CNS-penetrant HDAC6 inhibitor with the potential to benefit a broad population of people with ALS |
122 | A brain-penetrant small molecule modulator of TDP-43 phase separation rescues TDP-43 loss-of-function in ALS patient iPSC motor neurons and mouse models of TDP-43 proteinopathy |
123 | Views on treatment priorities from people with ALS and caregivers: Results from a 2024 ALS Focus survey |
124 | ALS Research Site Operations: A Practical Guide Based on Real-World Experience of Leadership and Study Staff |
125 | Designing a Remote Research Infrastructure for ALS: Enabling Enrollment in an Expanded Access Study |
126 | Characteristics of participants withdrawing early from ALS wearable sensor research |
127 | Study PRO-101: Experience implementing an ALS community advisory board in early phase drug development |
128 | Accelerated Centers of Enrollment for ALS Clinical Trials |
129 | ARC Listening Tour: Uncovering Social Determinants in ALS Research |
130 | Building Networks to Improve Clinical Trials Capacity in the Global South |
131 | The Introduction of PharmaMeds in Clinical Trials |
132 | Data-driven drug repurposing screen for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis across diverse populations |
133 | Expanding ALS Clinical Trial Access to Underrepresented and Underserved Populations |
135 | Harmonized ALSFRS-R Online Training Platform-Cross Continent Collaboration |
136 | Utilizing NeuroPRO™ (People Reported Outcomes) Platform to Reduce Subject Burden and Increase Accessibility in Clinical Research |
137 | Utilizing NeuroPRO™ (People Reported Outcomes) Platform for Participants’ Recruitment and Engagement in a Decentralized Clinical Research Model |
138 | Development of an Electronic Tool to Improve Efficiency of Prescreening for ALS Clinical Trials |
139 | A review of veteran participation in clinical trials: questions and solutions |
140 | Les Turner ALS Foundation & NEALS’ Collaborative Development of Tools for Increasing Awareness of and Participation in ALS Clinical Research |
141 | Statistical Innovation and Complexities in the HEALEY ALS Platform Trial: Lessons Learned From the First Set of Regimens |
142 | A Data-Driven Approach to Clinical Trial Recruitment |
143 | Evaluating and Optimizing an ALS Platform Trial Design: Insights for Future Directions |
144 | Endpoint Selection for Improved ALS Clinical Trial Efficiency: Lessons from the HEALEY ALS Platform Trial |
145 | An Evaluation of Recruitment Challenges in Clinical Trials |
146 | A Phase 1, Multicenter, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Multiple Ascending Dose Study to Evaluate the Safety and Tolerability of AMX0114 in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (LUMINA) |
147 | Results From the Phase 3 Trial Evaluating Sodium Phenylbutyrate and Taurursodiol in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (PHOENIX) |
148 | Effect of Oral Rho-Kinase Inhibitor Fasudil on Neurofilament Light Chain: An open-label phase 2a study to assess safety and biomarker changes in patients with ALS (NCT05218668) |
150 | Efficacy and Safety of SAR443820 (RIPK1 Inhibitor) in Adults with ALS: Results from the HIMALAYA Trial |
151 | PrimeC, An Oral Candidate for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Demonstrates Safety and Efficacy in a 12-Month Phase 2b Trial |
152 | Shifting the PARADIGM: PrimeC, an Oral Candidate for ALS, Demonstrates Target Engagement Biomarkers in a 12-Month, Phase 2b Trial |
153 | Phase 1 Study of a mTOR Inhibitor in Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis |
155 | N of 1 trial of Antisense Oligonucleotide for CHCHD10 ALS, initial experience |
156 | Debamestrocel Long-Term Benefits on Survival and Neurodegeneration in ALS Expanded Access Program |
157 | An Overview of The Phase 3b Clinical Trial of Debamestrocel in ALS |
158 | Modifiers of Early Functional Change with Riluzole Treatment in ALS: Vitamin E (α-tocopherol) and Glycemic Index |
159 | An Expanded Access Protocol of RNS60 in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis |
160 | Clinical advancement of SPG302 as a first-in-class synaptic regenerative therapy for ALS |
161 | Evidence for Long-term Survival Benefit in ALS with CNM-Au8 Treatment Across Three Study Populations |
162 | The Effectiveness of NP001 on Long Term Survival of Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) with Evidence for Innate Immune Activation |
163 | RESTORE-ALS: A Phase 3, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial in Early Symptomatic Participants on Stable Background Therapy to Reduce Mortality and Clinical Worsening Morbidity Events in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis |
164 | COMBAT-ALS Phase 2b/3 Trial of MN-166 (Ibudilast) in ALS: Study Design and Trial Update |
165 | Development of LTX-002, an ASO for the treatment for ALS |
166 | QRL-101 - a KCNQ2/3 modulator targeting hyperexcitability in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis |
167 | Multi-Center Expanded Access Protocol for Research through Access to Trehalose in People with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis |
168 | Pre-treatment Baseline Impairment of Oxidative Stress (GSH, GSSG, and GSH/GSSG) and Energetic Capacity (NAD+, NAD+/NADH) in the HEALEY ALS Platform Trial |
169 | Pridopidine For the Treatment of ALS - Significant Improvements in Definite, Probable, and Early (<18mo from onset) Subjects in the Phase 2 Healey ALS Platform Trial |
170 | EPISOD1: A Phase 1/2, Multicenter Study to Evaluate Safety, Tolerability & Exploratory Efficacy of Intrathecal Gene Therapy AMT-162 in SOD1-ALS Pts. |
171 | A Phase 2 Study to Assess the Safety, Tolerability, and Pharmacology of 15 mg of Darifenacin Daily in Patients With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. |
172 | Safety, Tolerability, Efficacy, Pharmacokinetics, and Immunogenicity of ARGX-119 in Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Phase 2a Study in Progress |
173 | Development of LTX-002, an ASO for the treatment of ALS |
174 | Transcutaneous Spinal Electrical Stimulation for Spasticity in Patients with Primary Lateral Sclerosis: A Pilot Study |
175 | Phase 3b Study MT-1186-A02 to Investigate the Superiority of Daily Dosing vs the FDA-approved On/Off Regimen of Oral Edaravone (Radicava ORS®) in Patients with ALS |
176 | Phase 3, Open-Label, Safety Extension Study of Oral Edaravone (Radicava ORS®) Administered Over 96 Weeks in Patients with ALS (MT-1186-A03) |
177 | Treatment Patterns and Survival Benefit of Edaravone-Treated People With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in the ALS/MND Natural History Consortium |
178 | Summary of the US Safety Data for Radicava ORS®: Findings From the Postmarketing Pharmacovigilance |
179 | Analysis of Long-term Function and Survival of Radicava ORS® (Oral Edaravone)-Treated Patients With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis vs Propensity Score-Matched PRO-ACT Historical Controls |
180 | Phase 3b Extension Study MT-1186-A04 to Evaluate the Continued Efficacy and Safety of Radicava ORS® (Oral Edaravone) for up to an Additional 48 Weeks in Patients With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis |
181 | Preliminary Analysis of Treatment Combinations in Patients With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Enrolled in an US-Based Administrative Claims Database |
183 | Gene Therapy Mediated Recompartmentalization of Aspartoacylase Promotes Delayed Onset of Motor Dysfunction and Increases Lifespan in the SOD1G93A Mouse model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis |
184 | Edaravone Reduces the Enhanced Glutamatergic Transmission Onto Motor Neurons in the Spinal Cord of a Mouse Model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis |
185 | Neuroprotective Effects and Transcriptomic Changes Induced by Edaravone in iPSC-Derived Motor Neurons from an ALS Patient with a TDP-43 Mutation |
186 | Cell-autonomous and non-cell-autonomous effect of TRIM72 on ALS disease progression |
187 | Superoxide Dismutase 1 G93A increases the response of macrophages to produce inflammatory factors that could contribute to development of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis |
188 | Northeast Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (NEALS) Biorepository |
189 | Target ALS Global Natural History Study and Longitudinal Biofluids Core resources to the research community |
190 | Tim Lowrey ALS Panels: Bringing Lived Experience into Undergraduate and Graduate Health Sciences Classrooms |
191 | Multicenter Prospective Validation of a Clinical Prediction Tool for Respiratory Insufficiency in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis |
192 | The Robert Packard Center for ALS Research: Twenty-Five Years of Moving Research Forward |
193 | Target ALS Multi-Center Human Postmortem Tissue Core |
194 | NIH-Supported Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Research |
195 | CardinALS: a phase 2, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of utreloxastat (PTC857) in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis |
196 | Elucidating the Protective Role of Intronic RNA Lariats Against TDP-43 Toxicity in ALS |

Basic Science Abstract Award
The Basic Science Abstract Award will be given to an outstanding abstract poster presentation focused on basic science.

Clinical Investigation Abstract Award
The Clinical Investigation Abstract Award will be given to an exceptional abstract poster presenter focused on clinical investigation.

UMN Achievement Award
The sixth annual UMN Achievement Award will be given for an abstract focused on PLS/UMN research. The UMN Achievement Award is supported by the Spastic Paraplegia Foundation (SPF) to promote UMN research and recognize those who contribute significantly to this field.

AI Abstract Spotlight
Up to two abstract submissions will be selected for 10-minute presentations during the Science Symposium portion of our conference.
Abstracts selected for the Science Symposium must align with the session’s topic: AI is NOW: Bringing AI into ALS Research. Scheduled for Wednesday, October 23rd, the session will focus on leveraging the rapidly growing data sets from ALS patients, including clinical data, genomics, biological data, and technology assessments, to enhance ALS understanding, improve research, and accelerate disease outcome transformation.